15 November 2007

Cruel and Unusual Punishment?!?!

Ok. So I have a serious bone to pick with the Supreme Court.

It's okay for a man to kidnap, bind and RAPE an 11 year old boy and then stuff him into a footlocker to DIE (where upon he did), but it's NOT okay for the bastard who did this to be put to death by lethal injection because it's cruel and unusual punishment?

Because what he did to that little boy doesn't warrant death? Because it might HURT to die by lethal injection? Last time I checked, being bound and sodomized constitutes as cruel and unusual punishment.

Who gives a flying rat's ass if it will hurt to be killed like that. What about the boy? What about what he DID to the boy? What about the boy's family??

Is there no justice anymore? Since when did people convicted of a felony suddenly have rights anyway? I understand "the right to an attorney" blah blah and so forth. I get it. I am not a moron. But this creature, this so called MAN, who preyed upon a CHILD and did the things he did should have NO RIGHT to say, "It violates my rights to be put to death by lethal injection because it is CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT".

Give me a freakin' break.


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