18 August 2011

Downsizing America

I work in a town that is strictly seasonal. No joke. Summer months there is no work because there is no one around. All of the snowbirds come down during September/October and stay until May, or around there.

The thing is, there are still many residents and people like me (who work in the town) that need customer service people to help them with their needs. But it seems that no matter where you go, your cell provider or the grocery store or even where I work, corporations are downsizing. Which then causes a drop in the ability for the company to properly give GOOD customer service.

I would like to point out that many of these corporations are bringing in millions of dollars in profit (that is money after all the bills and employees have been paid) and yet they bigwigs can't seem to get their heads out of their asses long enough to see that down at the store level, they are truly suffering. I am sure that the CEOs of these large companies have made quite a few dollars over the time they have been gainfully employed and have a lot of money saved, so why is it that the consumer has to suffer?

I believe that it is because men have become greedy in the course of time and don't know how to part with their precious dollar. Even in this time where the American people are in a crunch, the top five oil companies announced that they made $36 billion (with a B) in profits just for the second quarter (as posted in today's edition of the Huff Post Internet Newspaper - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/29/big-oil-profits_n_913452.html). The homeless rate and unemployment rate has skyrocketed across the nation and these pinhead assholes are eating caviar and Filet Mignon without blinking an eye.

Forgive me if I seem a little perturbed. The company I work for just made management cut 175 hours because our sales were down. Okay. But why am I so freaking busy EVERY DAY that I work? Because there are only FOUR people working, including management. Look, I don't want to eat caviar and Filet Mignon everyday, but I would love to be able to pay my bills on time and not worry if I am going to be able to afford to put gas in my car the next time I have to work.

So with this on your mind for the next few minutes, why not stand up for what is right? I know that one person cannot make a difference, but I can plant the seed. All I am saying is to take a look around you. Open your eyes. SEE what is happening. STOP being so damned apathetic and STOP telling yourself that it can't happen to you. Because one day it might and then where will you be? 

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