20 June 2007

Trash Trash Everywhere

It seems to me,
That all I see

Is trash on every street corner.

Do you think it is fair for me to say that people are piggish? We throw trash on the ground without ever thinking where is goes.

Well folks, it goes right where you put it. On the ground or in the ocean or into the gutter... But it doesn't get picked up, unless where you live you have street sweepers, and even then all that does is blow it around. It may pick up the bigger pieces, but the smaller ones just get distributed around. Say, into a tree with a plastic bag, or around a light post with some moving twine. I've even seen mattresses, chairs, clothing and the like strewn across the interstate.

It's disgusting. WE should be ashamed of ourselves. WE should know better. How do you think you would like it if someone drove down your street and decided to dump their trash into your yard? You wouldn't. So why do we make the earth feel unloved by dumping our garbage where ever we want to? Have you been to your local dump lately? Have you seen the amount of waste we accrue daily? Weekly? Monthly? How close can you get to the landfill before the stench turns the acid in your stomach? I know I can't get very close to mine... I HAVE been to the one closest to me very recently and it made me sad (not to mention it turned my stomach).

When I visit California, my home state, and I travel up Pacific Coast Highway, I marvel at how such a large state can keep their roads decently clean. I drive around here, in the BIBLE BELT of the nation, and I can't believe that these people make this place so nasty. I used to work for the Division of Forestry and it sickened me that people would just dump their trash somewhere in the middle of the forest. LITERALLY! We would be driving down a unmarked, dirt or clay road, and we would come up on beds, refrigerators, large TV antennas, bicycles, clothing and other household items that THE LOCALS were just too busy (or lazy, IMHO) to take to the landfill.

Is it so hard for everyone to recycle when they can? It's not really that time consuming. Most places have a recycle center close to their home where they can drop it all off and then the trash company will come and get it.

Stand up and do your part. Maybe what you do will brush off onto your neighbors. Maybe you will start to feel like you are accomplishing something GOOD for the world.


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