We finally set a date to be married. March 17th of next year is the big day. If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you that I am stressing out. I don't feel stressed, but I can't tell when I am unless I am falling over, half dead from lack of sleep. Or something like that. So far, we have picked out the location of the wedding and the reception, the maids dresses, my dress, the tuxes for the guys, and we have already received the invitations in the mail. I have an appointment to talk to a cake designer on Monday, I talked to a photographer yesterday and a D.J. today. So far, I think I have my ducks in a row. Though I am not sure since they like to scatter around every once in a while.
On the less happy side of everything: The job I loved so much, I no longer have. Due to many conflicting ideas and the fact that no one believed that I could actually do their job as well, if not better than they could, I decided to leave my O.P.S position as a Park Ranger and go back to the hectic life. Yes, that means that I went back into retail. UGH! It's a job and it pays the bills. I like it well enough, but I often wonder what has happened to the human race. Why is everyone so negative or in so much of a hurry that they forget their manners?
I digress...
So much more has been going on, that I have had little time for everything else. HAHAHA! I have so much time on my hands, it's not funny. Why, you all may be wondering? I finally finished school. YAY! I received my diploma in the mail three weeks after my last class ended. I will graduate in December, Cum Laud and THAT, my friends, is my greatest achievment to date.
I am sure that if something much grander happens I will let you know, but for now, I am going to excuse myself. I am tired and six a.m. comes early.
Good night all.
1 comment:
I know you...
I know your name...
there is so much more that this...
RG (aka TC)
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