23 January 2006

My New Job

As you all may or may not know, I have a new job with the Florida Division of Forestry. It is an awesome job, especially if you enjoy working outside.
It is a tedious job which requires stamina and endurance. It also requires balance, the ability to walk through large patches of briers without falling over, climbing over fallen trees and a tolerance to bugs of all kinds. It does not require much brain work at all except to gauge the height of the trees you are measuring (without actually climbing to the top to know the exact height). Y
ou get to see wildlife in its natural state and the silence is deafening.

Today we saw two deer, two rabbits and a pigmy rattlesnake. The deer were beautiful as they stared at us in our big green forestry truck. I'd like to think that they knew we posed no threat, but since hunting season is in full force down here, they bolted as soon as they heard our voices. The rabbits were quite skittish, and scared the bejeezus out of me, since they were right next to our paths. The rattlesnake was cool, too. He was all coiled up and just basking in the sun and didn't do much. In fact, he didn't even strike out. I am just glad that I didn't step on him as he was right in the path I was walking.

I wish all of our stands were as clear as the one in the picture I posted, but some are downright nasty. I am acquiring more cuts and scrapes as I deal with bare Turkey Oaks and greenbriers with throns the size of dimes.

I think I was born to work outside. I honestly do hate what the world has come to (as you all well know from reading my blog at the "other place"). With everyone in a hurry or being just plain mean, it's nice to know that there is serenity left in the world.